Get Rid of Sweaty Hands

Have you ever heard of Hyperhidrosis? Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that affects approximately 365 million people worldwide and is characterized by excessive sweating. Sweaty palms, feet, underarms… it’s a thing. People who have suffered form this condition have had to just deal until recent inventions of innovative technology such as Dermadry. In this post, I am sharing how you can significantly reduce sweat in the comfort of your own home.

If you would like to try DermDry, head on over to their site to get started!

But first, a little more about Hyperhidrosis.

“Hyperhidrosis is the term used to describe excessive sweating beyond what is physiologically necessary. It can be localized or generalized, based on the distribution of sweat (certain areas of the body vs. full body, respectively), and is also classified as primary or secondary, based on the cause of the sweating. Primary = of primary origin (unknown cause). Secondary = secondary to another medical condition, or side-effect of a medication.” (

While there is no known cause, you don’t have to suffer with Hyperhidrosis. I recently tried the Dermadry machine in the comfort of my own home to reduce sweating in my palms and I am AMAZED!

Dermadry is essentially a iontophoresis treatment which delivers mild electrical currents to the treatment area by pulling from minerals found in tap water. This current disrupts sweat production in the treated area so that excessive sweating is greatly reduced.

I experienced mild discomfort with the treatment and results were seen in about 2 weeks! I treated my hands 5 times per week for the first six weeks, and then once every other week for maintenance.

In the video below. you will learn about Dermadry, an Iontophoresis machine to treat hyperhidrosis.

Dermadry does have to be prescribed by a doctor. I used a TeleHealth service to get my prescription and my Dermadry equipment was delivered straight to my door! The Dermadry team was extremely helpful in answering all of my questions and getting me started on my less sweat journey.

If you would like to try Dermdry, head on over to their site to get started!

For more information about Dermadry and for additional exclusive content follow Dermadry on FacebookInstagramYouTube and Twitter, and subscribe to their newsletter on their website.

Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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