Tips for Hosting a Business Launch Party

Think about what we tend to celebrate in life, especially as women. Plenty of parties exist for engagements, weddings, and babies, but few for the career-focused woman. If we celebrate when a new human comes into the world, then we should also celebrate when a new idea and business comes into the world. A business launch party is a perfect way to do just that. Keep reading for some hosting tips, so your party will blow everyone out of the water.

Location, Location, Location

Many new business owners assume that a business launch party should happen at their business location. While you can turn your business space into an event space for the night so guests already know where to find you, this isn’t a requirement. You can host your party at any location that helps you connect with your community and future customers. Many prefer to host their launch party at an event space that provides some type of catering so that guests will linger to snack and drink, although this isn’t a requirement either.

Related Activities

Mingling over food and drinks is a great way to entertain your guests. However, offering additional related activities is a better way to ensure guests stay longer and truly understand the purpose of your business. For example, if you’re trying to make your beauty salon launch successful, you could host a related beauty tutorial. Show guests with long hair your three favorite braiding techniques and encourage them to practice on each other. If you want to host a successful bookshop launch, invite a local author to perform a reading and sign autographs. Brainstorm what your business offers and what your community finds interesting, then host a related activity during the party so it’s both memorable and entertaining for guests.

Create Anticipation

Choosing the perfect location and hosting a fun interactive experience is great, but you need people to attend to truly see success. Our best tip for hosting a business launch party that sees successful attendance is to create anticipation. You may think that’s impossible since your business isn’t open yet, but it’s not. Social media is always buzzing with local events. So, use different platforms to advertise to different audiences. Physical announcements, such as ads in the local newspaper and flyers in local hot spots, such as libraries, are also great ways to generate buzz and draw a crowd to your event. Consider the popular communication methods of your community and use those methods to create anticipation for your launch.

You should celebrate your accomplishments, especially something as exciting and inspiring as opening a business. A launch party is an excellent way to do just that. No matter where you host it, what activity you include, or how much hype you generate, you should feel great pride in accomplishing this goal and putting something new into the world.

Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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