The Blueprint to Leveling Up Your Year

New Years is a time of reflection, change, and planning for many people, as we all hope for brighter and better days ahead. Personally, my annual tradition as I move into a new year is to research tools and enrichment activities available to level up my personal, family, and business life. This year, I am mashing up my tried and true rituals with several new tools I have discovered to cultivate an elevated experience in all aspects of my life. In this post, I will share all the things I am implementing this year to help become the best version of myself.

The Viral Shadow Work Journal

I had been seeing The Shadow Work Journal all over TikTok and at first glance, being very religious, I thought that this was some sort of occult journal. Not judging anyone’s beliefs, but I did judge this book by its cover, initially, and scrolled on past the TikTok posts. One night, while enjoying some wine on my patio, one of my favorite influencers popped up in my TikTok feed talking about The Shadow Work Journal and how it is absolutely life changing. Naturally, I began to GTS (Google That Shit) and instantly ordered a Shadow Work Journal for myself.

“In this journal, you’ll find a series of thought-provoking prompts and exercises designed to help you explore the hidden aspects of yourself that you may have been suppressing or denying. Through the process of shadow work, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your fears, insecurities, and negative patterns of behavior, and learn how to embrace them in order to become a more integrated and authentic version of yourself.

Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or simply seeking greater self-awareness, “The Shadow Work Journal 2nd Edition” offers a powerful tool for personal transformation. With this journal as your guide, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing that will help you to unlock your full potential and live a more fulfilling life.“ – Amazon Description

I absolutely love my Shadow Work journal. The Mirror Gazing activity was prolifically life changing!

Shop The Shadow Work Journal & Other Self Help Books

Create a Vision Board

A vision board is a tool used to visually represent goals, dreams, and aspirations. It typically consists of a collage of images, words, and other visual elements that reflect the things a person wants to achieve, acquire, or manifest in their life. The purpose of creating a vision board is to provide a constant visual reminder of your goals, help reinforce positive thinking, and promote focus on desired outcomes.

To create a vision board, you will need to gather materials such as magazines, pictures, quotes, and other visual elements that resonate with the your goals. These items are then arranged and glued onto a board or poster. The process is very inspiring as it allows me to clarify my goals, set intentions, and maintain a positive mindset as I work towards achieving my aspirations. Regularly visualizing your goals in a tangible and visual form will help you stay motivated, focused, and aligned with your aspirations this year.

Plan your Meals

Nourishing your body is one of the best ways you can show yourself appreciation, but for someone like me who is terrible in the kitchen and not super knowledgeable on which specific foods will help me reach my fitness goals, I turn to a fitness app for help. I have tried lifestyle fitness apps in the past, but none of them have been specifically geared towards sex. Not trying to discriminate against the opposite sex, but it is a fact that we as women experience things with our bodies that make our health and fitness needs much different from men. With the Unimeal app, you can select your sex, body shape, weight, and health goals on the front end to custom tailor your fitness journey.

After taking the opening questionnaire, the Unimeal App will provide you with a personalized meal plan, fat-burning workouts, professional support, and health hacks and tips for improving your lifestyle! I also love reading the Unimeal blog in my downtime to better educate myself on foods and their effects on the body.

The Blendjet is my go to for quick and tasty breakfast smoothies. You just pop in all the ingredients and hit the blend button for the quickest and most delicious smoothie on the go.

Track Your Fitness

There are tons of fitness trackers on the market, but in my opinion, the WHOOP is hands-down the best fitness tracker available! This wearable device offers continuous monitoring of physiological data, including heart rate, respiratory rate, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature, blood oxygen levels, daily activity and sleep to help users better understand their overall health and wellness status and track their progress over time.

Like the Unimeal app, the WHOOP is very personalized and insight-driven, providing users with clear next steps and a science-backed approach so they can understand and improve their overall health and optimize their daily performance. With WHOOP I can track and log my daily behaviors like activity, diet, alcohol consumption, stress levels, caffeine intake and more using my WHOOP Journal located in the app. WHOOP used my logged info to calculate which behaviors help or hurt my sleep and recovery most, making it easier to build healthy habits.

Shop WHOOP & Accessories

Design Your Day

Every evening I spend time planning out tomorrow so that the minute my feet hit the ground, I have a clear direction on what I need to accomplish to keep my anxiety at bay.

Catch My Live at 9 Segment on the Topic

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Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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