5 Tips for Setting Up The Best Business Voicemail

While all opinions and tips are my own, this post is sponsored by TextNow.

I am so excited to be starting a business series with TextNow to bring you fun tips and tricks throughout the rest of the year! In this post, we are sharing 5 tips for making your business phone line more professional, especially the voicemail!

Return Stamp Expectation

Let your caller know when you will be returning their call. Most people leave this out of their greeting which isn’t terrible, but actually saying that you will “return your call in 2 business days,” or 24 hours, will set the expectation and let your caller know that you care.

Set a Friendly Tone

People want to work with those that are friendly. Who doesn’t love speaking to a cheerful person? Smile while you are recording your greeting. This will not only put you in a more joyful mood but it will show in the tone of your voice.

Keep a Business Voicemail Box

It throws your client off if they call your phone only to receive a personal greeting like one that would be on your home voicemail. Many small businesses can’t afford a second line but thanks to TextNow you don’t have to! With TextNow, you can get a free business phone number and voicemail box so that you can keep your business calls separate without having to have a second phone!

Update, Update, UPDATE!

No one wants to sit through the same voicemail every time they call so spice it up! Update your voicemail monthly. Let your caller know if you are out of town, at a conference, or just that you are looking forward to chatting with them, but be expressive in new and exciting ways.

Keep It Simple

Everyone hates a super long voicemail greeting. After introducing yourself and your business, as well as letting your caller know when they can expect you to return their call, wish them a wonderful day and end your greeting. If your voicemail goes over 30 seconds, the odds that your caller will ditch your mailbox increases dramatically.

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Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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