BEST AI SEO Search Engine Optimization Consultant

With AI, anything is possible. Recently, in my attempt to try to figure out the SEO secret through extensive Google searches and YouTube tutorials, I discovered a progressive artificial intelligence program that optimizes SEO for your website. Just think, an SEO search engine optimization consultant at your finger tips for a fraction of the cost. I was so impressed, I just had to share it with my fellow website owners. So, here’s to tea on my new favorite website tool, Style.AI.

What if I told you that your next digital marketing agency isn’t an agency at all. I have discovered an AI tool that makes it easy to build and manage your website’s SEO and ad campaigns. If you want to save money and reach more customers with AI, you are in luck because I am going to share how I did exactly that using Style.AI. First of all, it is important to note that works on all website platforms, WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, custom-coded, you name it!

All you have to do is type in your website URL here and Seona will start you off with a free, easy to understand audit of how your current SEO fares. I was shocked that my website ranked a WHOPPING level 1. One being the lowest ranking you can get. I was less than thrilled but super excited to give Sean by a try.

After I signed up, Seona scanned my site to help me gain a great understanding of my business and potential customers and provided necessary changes for getting my website to rank higher on search engines. Of course, knowing the problems and areas for improvement is just the first part. Actual implementation is where the stress intensifies. But not to worry, Seona actually implements all of the changes that she recommends. That’s right! She changes and optimizes your coding right on your site!

On top of code changes, every week Seona will write blog posts that help your site rank higher for words your customers are looking up to find you. Seona will recommend top keywords to include in the blog posts but there is also an option for you to add your own targeted keywords. I was amazed at how informative and specific the blog topics were for my audience.

Need some Seona love? Trust me, you will not regret it! Click here to try Seona by for FREE!
And, be sure to pin the image below to your favorite business Pinterest board.

Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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