How To Prepare Your Skin for a Smoother Makeup Application

Many people who wear makeup complain about how their foundation tends to capture a lot of skin texture, sliding off of oily skin and peeling off of dry skin. While many products may boast about their long-lasting wear and smooth photo finish look, just foundation isn’t enough. Much like a painting, your skin is like a canvas; you must prepare it before you start painting. To help, this article will teach you how to prepare your skin for a smoother makeup application.

Clean Your Skin

In order to give your makeup the best chance of staying on your face, your skin should have as little oil as possible before you apply. Oil can be a huge culprit when it comes to makeup creasing and fading throughout the day. Cleansing your skin, as well as applying toner, can help remove that oil. Additionally, if you have dry and flakey or acne-prone skin, you want to try your best to make sure that your skincare routine focuses on removing that texture. For those with dry skin, you may want to consider using face oil as a part of your everyday skincare routine to prevent dry patches from ruining your makeup. While no one’s skin is perfect, and you won’t get clear skin overnight, the goal is to give your foundation as oil-free and as smooth a canvas as possible.

Moisturize and Prime

Now that you’ve cleansed your skin, you want to give your foundation something to cling onto, and moisturizing can do just that. Additionally, if you have dry skin, it can help lay down and rehydrate dead skin cells so that your foundation won’t flake off over time. Now, depending on your skin’s needs, the primer you use might be different. Some can use their moisturizer as a primer, while others need shine control primers for extra oily skin or mattifying primers for larger pores. Dry skin may also benefit from using face oil as a primer as well.

Give Your Foundation a Base

So, you’ve removed as much oil and dirt in your skin, smoothed out as much texture as possible, and given your foundation something to cling onto. Now what? Well, if you have dry skin, you’re probably free to move on to your normal makeup routine. But if you have oily skin, you may want to give your foundation some extra layers of protection. People with dry skin can try this technique, but be wary, as it may cause more dryness.

Before you apply your foundation, allow your prime to get a little tacky, and apply a thin layer of translucent setting powder, dusting away the extra. Next, use your favorite setting spray and apply a light coat over the powder, essentially creating a second layer of skin that sebum won’t get through. Allow the setting spray to dry, and voila! You’re ready to apply your foundation. You may have heard of this trend before, but it’s actually a very old makeup technique makeup artists have done for years.

Now that you know how to prepare your skin for a smoother makeup application, you’re ready to achieve that photo-finish look that will have everyone asking how you do your makeup.

Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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