SculpSure Fat Destruction | 2nd Treatment

I loved my first SculpSure treatment so much that I decided to go ahead with another round of fat destruction. I must say, this treatment was a little different from the first but I expect the results to be even better than before!

SculpSure is a way of getting rid of annoying fat cells as to remove visibility in problem areas. Although SculpSure doesn’t help you lose weight, it actually eliminates fat cells and by reducing the number of fat cells in your lower abdomen, for example. That means that you’ll shrink the size of your lower tummy.

Upon arrival, I was measured again to track results so that we are able to benchmark certain bodily measures from the first treatment and to also track the results of the second treatment.

When I got back to the room, we attached the pad trays to my lower stomach area where I want to destroy some of my extra fat cells. SculpSure can target several areas such as thigh, underarm, flanks, and upper/lower abs, to name a few.

Once the trays are secured, we begin to hook in the SculpSure heating pads. Four pads can be used at a time so if you would like more than one area treated, you will need more than one session.

The second session was a little more intense, but totally manageable. The procedure lasted 25 minutes and like the first one, I experienced high levels of heat that were then followed by a rush of cool temps before returning to the high heat. Also, like the first time, there was no downtime however I was a bit more sore.

The system works by killing 26% of your fat cells and allowing your body’s lymphatic system work to remove those cells over 12 weeks. I am super excited to see what round two does for my lower abs and will follow up with you all in 12 weeks to show the results!

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Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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