Victoria Gerrard La Crosse Shares How To Choose Eco-Friendly Home Decorations

When decorating your home, there are many things to consider – the color scheme, the furniture and decorations, and even the environment. Going green when furnishing your space is an excellent way of incorporating sustainable practices into everyday and long-term lifestyle choices. This comprehensive guide from Victoria Gerrard La Crosse includes tips on how to choose eco-friendly home decorations. 

Identify Sustainable Materials

As we become more conscious about our choice’s impact on the environment, we must identify sustainable materials when purchasing. Bamboo, recycled plastic, and organic cotton are materials with less ecological footprint. Bamboo is a highly renewable and rapidly growing resource that can be used to make various products, from clothes to furniture.

Recycled plastic is an excellent option for products such as water bottles, as it reduces the amount of plastic waste sent to landfills. Lastly, organic cotton eliminates harmful chemicals and pesticides that traditional cotton farming relies on. By actively seeking out products made from these materials, we can do our part in creating a more sustainable future.

Choose Natural Colors And Textures

Natural fabrics, textures, and colors are always excellent when selecting eco-friendly home decorations. Wood, stone, and clay are great options for a rustic look. Cotton and linen are perfect for adding texture to your space. Look for natural cotton, linen,  and hemp fibers to create a cozy atmosphere. When making your selections, pick materials made from sustainable, recycled, and renewable sources.

When it comes to colors, use natural shades that don’t require a lot of dyes or chemicals, like muted blues and greens. Bold earthy tones such as olive green, sandstone, and charcoal gray add warmth and sophistication to any space. In addition, muted pastels like sage green or light blue give off a more calming vibe while being very eco-friendly. You can also look for products with minimal packaging or opt for homemade decorations instead of store-bought items.

Opt For Multipurpose Furniture

Regarding sustainable home decor, multipurpose furniture is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint. This type of furniture saves space and helps conserve resources by allowing for multiple uses in one piece. You can create an eco-friendly and stylish living space with minimal effort by choosing multi-functional pieces.

Multipurpose furniture provides versatility in design and practicality when creating a functional living area. For example, ottomans are perfect for small spaces because they can be used as extra seating or storage units. Similarly, futons provide both sleeping accommodations and additional seating when needed. If you’re looking for something more unique, consider purchasing Murphy beds that fold into the wall and save on valuable floor space during the daytime. Not only do these items help maximize your use of limited square footage, but they also help reduce resource consumption since fewer materials need to be purchased overall.

Avoid Unnecessary Clutter

Decorating with purpose is a friendly way to help the environment. Having too many decorations in your home makes it look cluttered and messy. This looks bad and costs more money than necessary because you’re buying more products than needed, which isn’t good for the environment either. So, it’s best to choose items with a purpose that are eco-friendly as much as possible when decorating your home.

Avoiding clutter also applies to furniture. Too many items can make a small space feel cramped and uncomfortable. To prevent this, consider inventorying what you already have before purchasing anything new. You might be surprised at how much your home already has that you can repurpose or use for something else.

Reuse What You Have

Reusing is one of the most essential eco-friendly habits we can adopt. It’s a great way to save money, reduce waste, and help protect the environment. When it comes to home decorating, reusing existing decorations in new and creative ways is an easy and effective way to contribute to sustainability while still creating your dream space.

One great way to reuse your existing decorations is by rearranging them into different configurations or using them in unexpected places. For example, if you have wall art you’ve had for years, try hanging it somewhere else, like above a bed or on a staircase wall, instead of just keeping it where it was initially placed. You can also repurpose old items by transforming them into something completely new with DIY projects such as turning mason jars into vases or making pillows out of fabric scraps from other projects. Not only does this help reduce clutter in your home, but it’s often much more affordable than buying brand-new pieces.

Final Thoughts

Victoria Gerrard La Crosse believes in conserving our natural resources and keeping the earth healthy. Eco-friendly home decorating is a great way to do just that while creating a beautiful, character-filled space. From utilizing multipurpose furniture to avoiding unnecessary clutter and reusing what you already have, there are plenty of ways to make your home sustainable and stylish. With these tips, you can make your home look great while being kind to the environment.

Hi! I'm Alexandra

I am an entrepreneur, author, and mom of 3 from Memphis, Tennessee. I fill my days pursuing the dream of being my own boss as a full time influencer and sensory marketing specialist while spending my evenings playing superheros, helping with homework, making dinner, and tucking in my littles.


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